
at George Mason Univeristy

CEIE 340 - Water Resources Engineering

Undergraduate course (Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014,Fall 2014, Spring 2015 and Fall 2015).

Welcome to the engineering of the water world. This class is the starting point to your career in water resources engineering. We will cover all the basic principles of water resources engineering and bring you up to speed to continue on your water resources engineering education. Not a water person? No problem… This class will cover the basic knowledge that every civil engineer should have about water and how it relates to other civil engineering careers. 

Sample sylabus

* Course material on blackboard


CEIE 641 - Water Resources Engineering I

Graduate course (Fall 2013)

Introduction to the principles of hydrology and hydraulics and their application to the planning, design and management of modern water resources.

Sample sylabus

* Course material on blackboard



CEIE 642 - Flood Hazards Engineering

Graduate course (Spring 2015)

Introduction to the principles of flood hazards engineering. Theory and practice of the application of hydrology and hydraulics to flood hazards delineation. Theory and practice of the application of geospatial analyses to support flood hazards modeling. Application of computational methods to support planning, design and management of flood hazards.

Sample sylabus

* Course material on blackboard


CEIE 643 - Coastal Flood Hazards

Graduate course (Fall 2015)

Introduction to the theory and practice of coastal flooding and hazards engineering. Topics include the theory of hurricane storm surges, tides, coastal hydrodynamics, waves and coastal processes. Use of the Surface Water Modeling System (SMS) and the Advanced Circulation Model (ADCIRC) for coastal flooding analyses. Introduction to High Performance Computing (HPC) modeling of hurricane storm surge. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications to support coastal flood modeling and hazard analyses. Applications of coastal engineering to support coastal flood mapping and hazard prevention.

Sample sylabus

* Course material on blackboard

* Next offering predicted to Spring 2016