Project title: "Quantifying storm surge attenuation by wetlands"
- Sponsor: US Department of the Interior (DOI) & National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
- Start date: January 2015, 2 years duration.
- PI: Celso Ferreira. Co-PIs: Jud Harvey and Jay Choy (USGS)
- Total awarded $440,000. Celso Ferreira: $360,000. Sub-award to USGS $80,000.
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Project title: "Hazards SEES Type 2: In Hot Water and Harm's Way: Modeling to Promote Regional Resilience to Repeated Heat Waves and Hurricanes"
- Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Start date: September 2013, 4 years duration.
- PI: Seth Guikema (Johns Hopkins University). GMU Sub-award PI: Celso Ferreira
- Total awarded for Celso Ferreira (GMU-Sub award PI): $260,000 out of $3,000,000
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Project title: "SurgeNOW: Enabling real-time extreme weather coastal flooding forecasts in the Chesapeake Bay"
- Sponsor: 4-VA: Universities Collaborating to Achieve Virginia's Goals for Higher Education
- Start date: January 2017, 1 year duration
- PI: Celso Ferreira (no CO-PIs)
- Total awarded $20,000.
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Project title: "Evaluating the potential of bio-inspired soils to enhance nature based coastal resiliency systems by combining experimental and computational method"
- Sponsor: Jeffress Trust Awards Program in Interdisciplinary Research
- Start date: August 2017, 1 year duration
- PI: Burak Tanyu; Co-PIs Celso Ferreira and Liza Durant
- Total awarded $100,000. Celso Ferreira: $45,000
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Project title: "Protecting Virginia from Hurricane Storm Surge with Wetlands Ecosystems: Can Nature Help to Reduce Hurricane Flood Risk?"
- Sponsor: Jeffress Trust Awards Program in Interdisciplinary Research
- Start date: August 2013, 2 years duration
- PI: Celso Ferreira (no CO-PIs)
- Total awarded $100,000.
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Project title: "The insider's view of the storm: A mobile extreme weather monitoring unit to integrate the Civil Engineering Laboratory at George Mason University"
- Sponsor: Dominion Higher Education Partnership
- Start date: August 2013, 1 year duration.
- PI: Celso Ferreira (no CO-PIs)
- Total awarded $46,000.
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Project title: "Stormwater in HD: Monitoring the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality One Site at a Time"
- Sponsor: Dominion's Environmental Stewardship grants program
- Start date: August 2014, 1 year duration.
- Co-PIs: Celso Ferreira and Viviana Maggioni
- Total awarded for Celso Ferreira $12,500 out of $25,000.
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Project title: "The Mason Water Data Information System (MWDIS): Empowering Data Sharing and Discovery at George Mason University and Beyond"
- Sponsor: 4-VA: Universities Collaborating to Achieve Virginia's Goals for Higher Education
- Start date: February 2015, 1 year duration.
- PI: Celso Ferreira. Co-PI: Paul Houser
- Total awarded $20,000.
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Project title: "Cast the Net - An Adaptive Wireless Environmental Sensor Web for Stormwater"
- Sponsor: Dominion's Environmental Stewardship grants program
- Start date: August 2015, 1 year duration.
- Co-PIs: Viviana Maggioni, Celso Ferreira and Paul Houser
- Total awarded for Celso Ferreira $8,333 out of $25,000.
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