
About George Mason University

George Mason University (GMU) is the largest public university in the State of Virginia. George Mason University is setting the gold standard for the modern, public university. Its dynamic culture and innovative academic programs prepare Mason's hard-working students for 21st century careers. Ideally located in the National Capital region, students enjoy terrific cultural experiences and access to the most sought-after internships and employers in the country. The university leverages its strategic advantages from its proximity to federal, state and local agencies; as well as its enviable connections with private industry.

Visit GMU website and Admissions to the Volgenau School of Engineering

Visiting Professors and Researchers

We welcome visiting professors and researchers from around the world to visit our laboratory and participate in our research. We welcome professionals from any background that share our passion and commitment to increase society resilience to water related natural hazards. We encourage visitors to take advantage of our location in the National Capital Region to search for joined projects with Federal Agencies and Institutions. Please email Dr. Ferreira with your CV and a brief statement of interest.


Graduate opportunities

Openings currently exist to join our research group for both Graduate Research Assistants (GRA) and Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) positions.  We welcome students from a diverse technical background with a general interest in our research areas. We are actively seeking students that are passionate about water and have a strong desire to pursue graduate school. Please visit Mason Graduate Admission Website to apply and for University requirements. Please also email Dr. Ferreira with your CV and a brief statement of interest.


Undergraduate opportunities

Our group is always welcoming undergraduate students with a passion to work on water related science and engineering projects. Opportunities vary on a semester basis. Funding is usually available for hard-working and motivated students. Please contact Dr. Ferreira for more information. Also check Mason OSCAR for undergraduate research opportunities. 


Current openings

George Mason University Presidential Scholarship

Our department is currently accepting nominations to the George Mason University Presidential Scholarship. Our research group is going to nominate and support one candidate for this competition. Please see guidelines below and send an email to Dr. Ferreira if you are interested and meet the requirements.

  • 1. First-time Ph.D. student, and
  • 2. Minimum GPA of 3.5 in the most recently earned degree, and
  • 3. Minimum combined math and verbal GRE score of 1,200 on exams taken prior to August 1, 2011; combined score of 310 on the new revised GRE scale for exams taken August 1, 2011 and beyond. Scores must have been earned within the last five years. 

The scholarship provides:

  • A Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) from August 25 through May 24 (dates for spring appointed scholars are from January 10 through May 24), and
  • * This involves 20-hour-per-week research-based work requirement
  • A salary of $22,000 from August 25 through May 24 ($11,000 for spring appointed scholars), and
  • A tuition grant covering nine credit hours in the fall and nine credit hours in the spring (9 credit hours in spring only for spring appointed scholars), and
  • Scholar must be enrolled in nine credit hours each semester of this scholarship (contact Akitta Robertson if this is not possible)
  • The tuition grant will also fund the Educational Resource Fee
  • Subsidized health insurance (provided that eligibility is met: http://provost.gmu.edu/support/sghi/subgradhi_eligibility.html).
  • The term of the scholarship is four years (eight semesters). Students cannot receive more than one term of this scholarship. 


Previous opportunities

Undergraduate Research Experience

We currently invite application from Mason undergraduate students for our Undergraduate Research Experience as part of the project "Quantifying storm surge attenuation by wetlands", recently funded as part of the Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Competitive Grant Program by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). We anticipate hiring at least two undergraduate students for Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Summer 2016 and Fall 2016. See the full job description here.

These positions are filled.


Post Doctoral Fellow

We antecipate hiring a post doctoral fellow starting in Spring 2015 for our new research award from the Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resilience Competitive Grant Award Program from the Department of Interior (DOI) and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). Project title: "Improving and Quantifying Wetlands' Potential to Reduce Storm Surge Impacts". Official job annoucemnt will be placed soon.

This position is filled.


PhD Student

We antecipate hiring a GRA at the PhD level starting in Spring 2015 for our new research award from the Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resilience Competitive Grant Award Program from the Department of Interior (DOI) and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). Project title: "Improving and Quantifying Wetlands' Potential to Reduce Storm Surge Impacts". Official job annoucemnt will be placed soon.

This position is filled.